SmCo Magnet

SmCo Magnet

Elegance Seaview Sdn Bhd
Type: Sale
SmCo Magnet

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To: Elegance Seaview Sdn Bhd


Also known as Samarium-Cobalt Magnet, it has a similar strength as the Rare Earth Magnet but with higher working temperature ratings and higher coercivity. These magnet are extremely resistant to demagnetization, it also has good temperature stability with maximum use temperatures between 250c and 550c.

Company Information

Name : Elegance Seaview Sdn Bhd (346901-U)
Business Type : Magnetic Devices
Main Product : Magnetic Drawer, Magnetic Liquid Traps, Bullet Magnets, Hump Magnets, Magnetic Hook, Magnetic Security Tag, Ferrite Ring Magnet
Year Established : 2003
Location : Kuala Lumpur
Website : http://www.eleganceseaview.com