Home Motors & Power Transmission Gearboxes

Gearbox - IEC Adaptor

Empower Drives And Automation Sdn Bhd
Type: Sale
FEM inline gearbox consisted of single stage, double stage and up to triple stage reduction to suit varies
kind of application. It also can combined with other series of FEM gearbox to make a tandem gearbox
that can achieve greater required ratio.

Inquiry / Quote

To: Empower Drives And Automation Sdn Bhd


FEM lnline Helical Gear Reducer

FEM inline gearbox consisted of single stage, double stage and up to triple stage reduction to suit varies
kind of application. It also can combined with other series of FEM gearbox to make a tandem gearbox
that can achieve greater required ratio.

• Thirteen Sizes : 37,47,57,67,77,87,97,107,137,147,167,177, 187
• Output Shafts - Metric
• Output Flanges - B14 & B5
• Mounting - B3, B5, B35, V1
• Input rating up to 250kW
• Nominal torque rating up to 50000Nm
• IEC Adaptor that suit any IEC Motor
• All gearboxes are filled with VG220 mineral oil prior to shipping

Company Information

Name : Empower Drives And Automation Sdn Bhd (1000540-D)
Business Type : Electric Motor & Control , Gear Reduction
Main Product : IE1 / IE2 / IE3 IEC Motor, 3.3/6.6/10kV 3 phase High Voltage Motor, Frander Elektrim Slip-ring Motor, Helical Geared Motor, Helical Bevel Geared Motor, Helical Gearbox with IEC Adaptor, Parallel Shaft Geared Motor, Horizontal Parallel Shaft Gear Reducer,
Year Established : 1984
Location : Kampung Baru Subang
Website : http://www.empowercorp.com.my